Sunday, September 28, 2014

Jet lag and getting settled

We've been home for 4 days now and things are gradually feeling settled, getting used to our new family. 
Our times outside have definitely been the best parts of the day. We are gradually adjusting to sleep- getting a little more each day. Asher usually sleeps at least a portion of the night in our bed, but is getting more comfortable in the pack and play next to us.  
He is definitely in love with his sisters. They allow him to see that it's ok to love us, ok to trust us. Jonathan went back to work right away, so other than laundry, much of the housework and unpacking has gone untouched. So yesterday I got brave and took the whole crew to the park. It was really fun, and Asher did great.

He still gets nervous if someone comes over and tries to talk to him, so we've mostly stayed at home and gone on walks around the neighborhood.  Today Jonathan took the girls to church and Asher and I stayed home. The loss of his sisters was NOT acceptable and he let me know it. I finally got us settled with some trucks on the front porch. 

We're all still pretty tired, but every day there's a little less fear, a little more smiling. Yesterday he grabbed my cheeks and kissed my face and I just about cried. I also got to take some time while he was napping and planted some mums with Anna. Ready for fall weather!

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