Monday, October 28, 2013

4 year old reflections

I talked to our 4 year old, Anna, about adoption today.  We start our home study this week so I wanted her to be prepared.  We have always talked about having more brothers and sisters, but I tried to introduce the idea of adoption to her today. After my husband came home I asked her to tell him about adoption to see how much she understood.

"Anna, what's adoption?"

"It's when a baby doesn't have a family and needs a family to love them!"
(Thinking I did a pretty good job)

"And if we forget and leave Nora at home she'll need a family too!"

Well, we'll get it eventually.  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Getting Started

1 John 4:19.  We love because He first loved us.

This has been the verse that my husband and I have focused our lives on.  God's love is so amazing.  So we love.  Our spouses.  Our children.  Our friends.  And those that we find hardest to love.  Who do nothing to deserve our love.  Because we have done nothing to deserve His.
It is focusing on that verse that as a family, we have decided to adopt.  We are adopting from China's waiting child program.  Here we will share this journey.  We covet your prayers, your encouragement, your love.