Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Leaving on a jet plane (in 2 weeks!)

In 2 weeks I will be boarding a plane to go get my son. I have longed for him for so long. I am filled with excitement to see him. My heart also is breaking for what he is about to go through. He has already been through so much in his little life. He listened to his birth mother's heartbeat and voice for nine months and for reasons unknown he was separated from her. Next were the orphanage nannies. Then his foster family. And now, a couple he has never seen before will take him to an entirely new place. A different time, different sights and smells. And I grieve for what he will endure in the next few weeks. I know he will overcome this. And I will do everything in my power to fiercely protect him to allow him to trust again. To love. 
We are so grateful for the prayers and support of family and friends in this process. Know that we covet your love so much. In this time of transition, we will go through a little isolation mode.  This is commonly referred to as "cocooning" and you can google it if you need more info. But basically, for a couple months we will be our son's only caregivers. We will be the ones to hold him, feed him, change him. I won't be getting out much, and we probably won't take him around other kids much. We want to make sure he knows we are his safe place, that he's not living in constant fear of being taken away from someone else. We love you all and are so thankful for your prayers and understanding.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Waiting for news...

Mamas, you know that feeling when you're 37 weeks pregnant and every day you wake up wondering how far away until you get to hold your little one in your arms? That feeling where you try to keep your mind on the present but your heart is just racing to get to that day to touch your baby's fingers and kiss their head. I'm there. Asher, I can't wait to meet you. To hold you. To introduce you to your sisters who love you so much already. 
Today we reach our last "step" in this long process of adoption. Now we wait for the phone call. Two words- travel approval. As soon as we get that phone call we get to actually know that date that we will hold our precious son in our arms. 
We love you kiddo, and we're coming.