Friday, November 15, 2013

Some days I'm holding my two little girls, reading books with them and it just hits me. I have another child. Halfway around the world. And they are likely in a room full of metal cribs, with no one to snuggle with when they're having a rough day, rock them to sleep, or wipe their tears.  And I just feel so helpless. I pray for my child every day.  I  can't wait to hold them, sing to them, comfort them. I can't wait to be a family..

Monday, November 11, 2013

Home study and a weekend away

We finished our home study last week! Our social worker was wonderful, and really made the home study pretty easy. Just a couple visits in our home and we should hopefully have the completed study by December!
Also, I was so blessed to get to spend a weekend visiting my sister in NYC this weekend. It's been far too long since I've seen her and it was nice to have some time just the two of us.  It's a great place to visit during the fall, all the beautiful trees and seeing the city gear up for Christmas.